Family Learning can help parents and carers to understand more about how their children learn and encourages adults and children to learn as a family (the term ‘family’ meaning at least one parent, adult carer, grandparent, aunt or uncle working with a child). There is always a huge emphasis on learning and having fun!
Family Learning is ideal for parents and carers who wish to:
Understand how children learn and how you can encourage and motivate them.
Improve their own skills and confidence.
Create resources and gain ideas to promote fun learning at home.
Meet new friends!
This year we are looking forward to working Nursery, Reception and Year 1 families and will be running Online Safeguarding Workshops for Parents and Carers.
Mrs Elliott , Miss Fletcher and Miss Back will be leading sessions at Christ church on Wednesday morning and afternoons, working alongside families in such areas as;
Developing Speech and Language, Developing Early Mark Making, Developing Early Phonics and Reading and Developing Early Maths.
Please keep your eyes peeled for information regarding future Family Learning Workshops.