What a great time to be in Year 3!
Class Teacher: Mrs Nasreen
LSAs: Ms Awan and Miss Morley
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to talk to one of the Year 3 team.
Reading at home
We cannot stress enough how important it is for your child to read at home! Reading is brilliant and we want to encourage children to do it as much as possible. We are going to be reading books together as a class but we would also like the children to read regularly at home. They will have a reading folder to take home and a reading log to record any reading they do. We would like them to read at least 5 times during the week – this can be anything that they are interested in reading, not just books, but useful information that they need, such as (appropriate) websites, television guides, menus, magazines… the list is endless! The reading logs should be returned on their set days, and will be checked with children given the opportunity to read with us.
Homework is sent out each Friday to be handed in the following Friday. Each week, tasks are set to either consolidate or continue what is being taught within the classroom. Each task will have a different focus and style of activity to keep the children’s learning interesting. We ask parents to support us with reading with their child every week and completing spelling and times tables tasks sent out. We will also be sending a set list of spellings out every Friday. These are the Year 3 common exception words. Please ensure that your child practises their spellings, as there will be a test every Friday morning.
Please make sure your child comes into school wearing their full school PE kit on these days.
PE days- Monday and Tuesday
PE kit consists of: a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black PE pumps. Children may wear black jogging pants and a jumper in the colder months if they go outside.
Due to the limited space we have in the cloakroom in our classroom, please can children refrain from bringing in large rucksacks/handbags. They are too big for the pegs and children cannot hang their coats up properly. Instead, we encourage them to bring the green school reading book bags to put their belongings in.
Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Water bottles & snacks
Don’t forget to bring water bottles in each day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please put a label on bottles and refill them every day.
Children can purchase milk cartons at the beginning of each half term (see the school office) and bring a healthy snack for break time.
We would like to remind you the importance of pupils regularly using Times Tables Rockstars, and practicing their times tables. Fluency in this area can often help children with many other areas of Maths. Don't forget to keep your eye out for all of our TTRS competitions!
Please make sure you are regularly checking seesaw for updates regarding what your child has been up to in school. We put pictures on throughout the week showing what the children are engaging with in their learning.
We also set weekly homework on Seesaw. We would like children to engage in this as well as completing their weekly spelling homework. Seesaw is a fun and engaging learning platform that can further support your child's learning.
This half term we begin our learning with a lovely study of a poem written by John Foster called ‘The Shell’. We talk about words that describe the beach and use our own senses to create a lovely poem. Following our study of poetry, we move onto looking at a text called ‘Coming to England’. This is a story about the triumph of hope, love and determination of Baroness Floella Benjamin and her trip from Trinidad to London as part of the Windrush generation.
In Mathematics this term we will be working through place value as well as a focus on Addition and Subtraction. Children continue with a focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning throughout each area of study within maths.
Throughout the year, we will cover topics in a spiralised curriculum to ensure children retain information taught. This will include Plants, Animals including humans, Rocks, Light and Materials. We will focus on subject specific vocabulary and investigation skills.
RE - What do Christians learn from the creation story?
This half term we will learn about the creation story and ask questions about our world and how humans should look after our earth. We will learn about 'The Fall' and why it is an important Christian belief.
Geography - Why do people live near volcanoes?
In our first Geography unit of the year, children learn that the Earth is constructed in layers, and the crust is divided into tectonic plates. They study the formation and distribution of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes and use Mount Etna to identify how human interaction shapes a volcanic landscape.
History - The Stone Age
Within History, Year 3 will look at the people and ways of living during the Stone Age period. We will look at timelines, and what terms such as Pre history, BC and AD mean, and how the world we know today began or was influenced by this way of living.
Art - Andy Goldsworthy
In Art this term we are studying the work of Andy Goldsworthy and his stunning natural creations. We hope to use our knowledge of the work Andy Goldsworthy does to create some stunning pieces of natural art in a trip to the woods weather permitting.
Design Technology - Pillows/Sewing
During design technology this term the children will be learning different types of stitching and their use in attaching applique. They will use that knowledge to make small pillows.
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.."
Micah 6:8