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Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome everybody to the Nursery section of the website.

Class Teacher: Ms Darroch-Bartley (Monday-Wednesday) & Miss Back (Thursday-Friday)
Learning Support Assistants:  Mrs Costa and Miss Craig

If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to ask one of the Nursery team.

School hours 8:45am -3:15pm 

Summer 2

“Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it. Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy." Psalm 96:11-12

Welcome to Nursery!

Our theme for the Summer 2 term is 'Ship Ahoy!'  We will explore different countries in the world and talk about their differences including, climate, animals and celebrations. We will also discuss our own experiences linked to travel and transport. 

Reading at home

It is important that you continue to read with your child as much as possible, we recommend a minimum of five times in the week and please sign their reading record. All reading books will be changed on a Monday and you will keep the same book for the week, until the following Monday. A member of the Nursery team will read with your child once a week on their reading day.

Oxford Owl Log Ins - You can access Oxford Owl from home to read a variety of texts with your child. These are a great read if you have read your reading book and the books are engaging! Please use the following link to login to your child's account: 


Your child's learning journey is on Seesaw. You will also be able to comment, like pictures and post activities/ homework from home. Please see a member of the Nursery team if you are struggling to access your account. 


Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their full P.E kit on P.E days; Our PE day is Monday. Children will not be getting changed into their P.E kit during school time. 

PE kit consists of: a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black PE pumps. Children may wear black jogging pants and a jumper in the colder months if they go outside. Due to the limited space we have in the cloakroom in our classroom, please can children refrain from bringing in large rucksacks/handbags. They are too big for the pegs and children cannot hang their coats up properly. Instead, we encourage them to bring the green school reading book bags to put their belongings in. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Key Person

In Nursery, all of our children are special and unique and we appreciate the importance of building strong relationships with the children and families that we work with. Your child will be allocated a 'Key Person' during their time in EYFS. The role of the Key person is to ensure quality care, offer a settled relationship for your child and build a relationship with parents/carers.You will be informed of which staff member is your child's Key Person. Please do share with them any questions you may have and how we can support you with your child's development and care. We can also support you with your child's learning at home. As a parent, there are lots of things that you may want to share about your child with us at the beginning of the day such as if they are feeling poorly, if they haven’t slept properly, or if something has upset them, for example. Please share this with us and we will ensure that your child has a settled start to the day in  Nursery.

Water bottles, snacks and spare clothes

Don’t forget to bring water bottles in each day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please put a label on bottles and refill them every day. Please only fill your child's bottle with water. We are a healthy school. Water bottles are available to buy at the school office,

Please provide your child with spare clothes clearly labelled that can stay on their peg in one of our spare bags in case of any accidents. 


This year, we will use the NCETM program to teach our children Mathematical skills. We will also use The Numberblocks to teach mathematics through carpet inputs and play. Here is a link to the Numberblocks shows on cbeebies: This term, we will focus on numbers and explore how quantities change when something is taken away. We will begin to represent numbers with marks. We will also make comparisons between objects using the appropriate vocabulary. 

Mark Making

This term, we will be doing lots of fine and gross motor skills through play; using big sheets of paper, paint brushes and paint to create large scale paintings. We will  have challenges in the indoor and outdoor classroom- using tweezers, bouncing and catching balls, painting using the large brushes outdoors and mark making in coloured sand. We will also be using the outdoor obstacle course to develop our gross motor skills, negotiate space and collaborate with others to manage large items, such as blocks, crates, wooden planks and tyres. To develop our fine motor skills further, we will use a wide range of one handed tools and equipment. We will also enhance these skills in our funky fingers area, threading, completing puzzles and using tweezers. 


This term, we will continue to listen to the sounds in words and participate in oral blending and segmenting. We will engage in conversations about stories learning new vocabulary.  


This term, we will learn the different parts of a book, front, cover, back cover, page and title. Through a selection of books we will develop our vocabulary, retell familiar stories and engage in conversations about stories. We will begin to understand that own marks represent meaning and we will continue to practise writing our names using our name cards. 


This term, we will be looking at the concept of prayer and understand what prayer is and the different ways people of faith talk to God. 

The children will learn to value everyone and celebrate differences. They will begin to have the ability to feel and understand the feelings and emotions of others, and try and see things from their perspective. 

Overarching Theme

'Ship Ahoy!' 

This term, we will explore different countries in the world and talk about their differences including, climate, animals and celebrations. We will explore the natural world around theme learning new vocabulary linked to the theme. 

We will engage in conversations around stories and non fiction texts, learning new vocabulary. Here are a selection of books we will be reading this term:

Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers

How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers

Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson

Commotion in the Ocean by Charles Andreae

Pirates love Underpants by Claire Freedman

 Non-fiction texts: The World, Animals, Sea Creatures, Travel 

We will be continuing to make positive relationships with our peers and staff, we will be encouraging children's to share, take turns and play co-operatively with others. We will also be developing our communication skills and having WELLCOMM groups to support this. The children are learning to be independent in Nursery as much as possible, choosing where to play and interact with others and accessing resources independently and using their own thoughts and ideas when in provision.