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Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and Punctuality

Christ Church C.E, Lewis Street and Lark Hill Primary Schools believe that the regular education of all
children, irrespective of age, gender, race or ability is crucial to each and every pupil.

Christ Church C.E, Lewis Street and Lark Hill Primary Schools will work alongside parents, local community and the Education Welfare Service to support excellent levels of attendance and punctuality for all pupils.

Parents and carers must:

• Ensure that their children achieve a minimum attendance figure over 95%
• Ensure that their children arrive at school promptly at 8.40am
• Contact school directly before 9.30am to report their child’s absence
• Ensure that non-emergency medical appointments, i.e. dental check-ups, are made outside of school hours
• Ensure family holidays are taken out of term time


Parents or carers who bring their children to school late will be expected to wait with their child in the reception area until 9.15am. If a child is late after 9.15am then the parent or carer will be expected to wait with their child until 9.30am.This limits the disruption to lessons when children arrive late to class.

Any child arriving after 9.30am will receive a U code which is an unauthorised absence.

Further details can be found in the school’s Attendance Policy.