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Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Class Teacher: Mrs Magee

LSA: Mrs Cross


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Year 6 team.



Colossians 3:23

‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,’





Our Collective Worship theme for this half term is CARE.

Care - is thinking about others before yourself.

At our school, we show care towards one another, nurturing each other and supporting one another. We put others before ourselves without expectation of reward.

Caring for ourselves – keeping safe, keeping healthy, keeping fit, keeping prayerful.

Caring for others – pets, friends, all members of the school community (staff and children), visitors, neighbours, others in the outside community.

Caring for our world – the environment, the neighbourhood, the school, the classroom, the earth and its harvest.

Caring for those in need – homeless, the sick, the bereaved, the lonely and the elderly.


Key Messages 



Year 6 is a particularly important year as all children will be sitting their SATs in May; many children and parents coming into Year 6 can often feel apprehensive about these - please don't, we're here to help.


SATs will be taking place Monday 12 May to Thursday 15 May 2025; we will share more information with you throughout the year and will be holding a parent information session early in March. 

Booster sessions will be starting later in the year - we will let you know which groups and days your session will be taking place closer to the time.


Reading at home

In Year 6, we ask your child to bring their reading record and reading book into school every day. 
We appreciate that it is not always possible to read every night with your child, but do ask that you make every effort to read at least 5 times per week with them, and make a comment in their reading records. Each time a child reads and gets their book signed, they will receive a raffle ticket to be entered into our reading draw, where they have the opportunity to win a wonderful prize at the end of the term.

Reading at home doesn't always mean their school reading books, it could be anything from a newspaper, magazine, kindle books to instructions of a board game.

Follow the link to access the Oxford Owl Ebooks library for a wide range of reading choices - you will need your login details. 

You can also access EPIC which is an online book library. 



In line with our school policy, children in Year 6 will be expected to complete the the following homework each week:

  • Read 5 times a week and bring their reading book into school every day.
  • Weekly spellings and timetables which will be quizzed in class the following week.
  • Play TTRockstars twice a week. (see note below)
  • A weekly Seesaw task relating to any area of the curriculum as a pre or post teaching activity. For example, an activity relating to learning in Arts, Humanities, R.E, Spanish, Science, Maths, English and Wellbeing. The tasks will vary each week.

TTRS - To support children’s fluency in recalling their times tables, every week children will be asked to complete 10 minutes to play on TTRS at home. We ask that you encourage your child to play a few 2/3 minute games throughout the week rather than completing this in one go.

Year 6 staff will monitor who is regularly completing this homework and enter these children’s names into our exciting prize draw where one lucky child will receive a prize each half term. 


P.E Days

Our P.E days this half term are Thursday and Friday

PE kits should be brought into school in a small PE bag and it can stay in school for the duration of the week before taking home for washing.  Children will get changed in school ready for the start of their session - children must come to school in their full school uniform on  PE day.  

PE kit consists of:

*a plain white t-shirt;       *black shorts;       *black PE pumps.

Children may also bring in roll-on / cream stick deodorant for their personal hygiene - no aerosols will be allowed.


Bags, Water bottles & snacks

Due to the limited space we have in the cloakroom, please can children refrain from bringing in large rucksacks/handbags. They are too big for the pegs and children cannot hang their coats up properly.  Instead children will only be permitted to bring the green school reading book bags to put their belongings in. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Please remember to bring a water bottle in every day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please clearly label your child's water bottle. These are to go home every night to be cleaned, re-filled and brought back to school the next day.  Water bottles should be carried to avoid leakages in their book bags.

Children can purchase bread sticks at the start of each half term, this is payable through Parent Pay or children can bring a healthy snack for break time.




We will update this section shortly with information about Autumn 1's learning.