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Year 4

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome everybody to Year 4's class page

Class Teacher: Mrs Ryder

LSAs: Mrs Monks, Mrs Steele


If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to ask one of the Year 4 staff

Welcome to Spring

This half term we will be thinking about the Christian value of love.

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude." (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Reading at home

In year 4 we ask that children read for 10 minutes, 5 times a week. The reading could be their reading book, a newspaper, a comic etc. Please send in your child's reading book and reading record into school every day.

For children who want to read online we have access to Oxford Owl. Follow the link to access the Oxford Owl Ebooks library for a wide range of reading choices - you will need your login details, which will be given out very soon. 

You can also access EPIC which is an online book library. 


In line with our school policy, children in Year 4 will be expected to complete the the following homework each week:

  • Read 5 times a week and bring their reading book into school every day.
  • Weekly spellings and timetables which will be quizzed in class the following week.
  • Play Time Tables Rock Stars at least twice a week. 
  • SPAG activity mat.

TTRS - To support children’s fluency in recalling their times tables, every week children will be asked to complete 10 minutes to play on TTRS at home. We ask that you encourage your child to play a few 2/3 minute games throughout the week rather than completing this in one go.



P.E Day

This half term we will be going swimming on Monday afternoon. We will be walking to Eccles Fit City and will be grateful for any parent volunteers to support the walk to and from swimming.

We will also be joining in with lacrosse on Tuesdays.


Children now come into school in their PE kits on their PE day. As our PE is outside and the weather is still chilly, please send your child into school in jogging bottoms and school jumper.

Bags, Water bottles & snacks

Please remember to bring a small water bottle in every day - it is important for the children to stay hydrated throughout the day. Please clearly label your child's water bottle. These are to go home every night to be cleaned, re-filled and brought back to school the next day.  Water bottles should be carried to avoid leakages in their book bags.

Children can purchase bread sticks at the start of each half term, this is payable through Parent Pay or children can bring a healthy snack for break time.



Maths - Multiplication, Length and Perimeter, Fractions, Decimals

Alongside all the areas of maths - multiplication, length and perimeter, fractions and decimals- that we will be teaching we will be practising our tables daily. Please remember to use TTRS!


In English, we will be learning about poetry, studying the poem ‘The Roman Centurion' by Rudyard Kipling.

We will also be reading the book ‘The Tower’ by Joseph Coelho and using this text to help us to write a diary entry. 

We will be looking for our weekly star reader in our whole class reading sessions and when reading at home.


In science we will be splitting our learning into the three areas of biology, physics and chemistry in preparation for high school. 

In Biology we will identify the different habitats, the digestive system and diversity in plants and animals.
In chemistry we will be investigating states of matter.
In physics we will be looking at light, sound and magnetism.

R.E – What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? Why do Christians call Good Friday Good?

In RE this term we will be learning about Hinduism and Christianity. We will be welcoming a Hindu faith visitor and we will also have the opportunity to visit St Andrew's church.

History –How has Salford and the Bridgewater Canal changed over time?

In this topic we will be looking at the changes in our local area. We will be thinking about the impact that the Bridgewater Canal has had both in Eccles and Worsley. There will be an opportunity to visit Worsley and take a closer look at the canal.

Geography Where does our food come from?

 In Geography we will be thinking about ‘where our food comes from and the environmental impact our food choices have.

Design Technology – Lovely Lunches

 In this area we will design and make a 'Lovely Lunch.' We will be applying the knowledge that we have gained from the food groups in Science and 'Where our Food Comes From' in Geography to design a lovely lunch.

Art – paint - Monet

In Art, we will be focussing on the Monet and his impact on impressionism.